Catalogue of procedures

Request for informative material and publications on cash

Procedure codeMostra contingutProcedure code


Process descriptionMostra contingutProcess description

The Banco de España distributes general information and informative material on euro banknotes and coins.

The printed versions of the materials that appear below can be requested free of charge following the instructions found in the “How to submit request” section. Requests are processed in accordance with the stocks available.

In the section “Other useful information” you can see the content of the promotional materials.

Material on euro banknotes and coins

  • Title: Leaflet for professionals who handle cash. Discover the new €100 and €200 banknotes.
    • Description: Leaflet for professionals who handle cash on the security features of the Europa series €5, €10, €20, €50, €100 and €200 banknotes.
    • Format: DIN long, 105 mm x 210 mm foldable.
  • Title: Poster “Europa Series. Easy to check”.
    • Description: Poster showing the Europa Series €5, €10, €20, €50, €100 and €200 banknotes.
    • Format: A2, 420 x 594 mm.
  • Título: motion cards with security features of €5, €10, €20, €50, €100 and €200 banknotes.
    • Description: cards that, when turned, display the security features of the €5, €10, €20, €50, €100 and €200 banknotes with the “touch, turn and look” method.
    • Format: credit card size, 85 x 45 mm.

Target audienceMostra contingutTarget audience

Individuals, entities and other professionals who handle cash as part of their professional duties.

How to start the processMostra contingutHow to start the process


Download and complete the “Formulario de solicitud de material informative y publicaciones sobre el efectivo” available in the “Processing” section and, once signed electronically, submit through the Banco de España Electronic Registry, access to which can be found in the procedures section.


  1. Access the Electronic Registry using one of the authentication systems admitted by the Banco de España.
  2. Select the option “Complete form” and then choose the applicable option.
  3. Complete the requested data and, where applicable, attach the necessary documentation.
  4. Once all the data is completed and the necessary documentation attached, click “Send”.
  5. The Electronic Registry displays a screen with the information on the status of the request. If the request is sent successfully, you can access the document “Acknowledgement of receipt”. You may save and/or print this document as a record of the submission.
  6. You can use the “See my submissions via the Electronic Registry” option at any time to check the status of submissions completed successfully.

For more information, please see the “Guide to the Electronic Registry: Requirements and Instructions” available in the section “Other useful information”.

If you do not have an electronic certificate, you can download the form and send it as an attachment by email to the email address provided in the “Contact” section.

Compulsory documentationMostra contingutCompulsory documentation

  • Form for requesting informative material and publications on cash.
  • Form for the submission of documentation on Registry.
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