Catalogue of procedures

Authorisation for reproduction of banknotes

Procedure codeMostra contingutProcedure code


Process descriptionMostra contingutProcess description

Authorisation of the Banco de España for the reproduction of euro banknotes or banknotes and coins in pesetas or images thereof. The regulations affect all banknotes and coins in pesetas or euro banknotes that had or have the status of legal tender in Spain.

Reproduction of euro banknotes

In the case of euro banknotes, as a general rule, reproductions shall be deemed lawful if they meet the following requirements:

  • Physical reproductions, provided that:
    • In the case of one-sided reproductions, it is equal to or greater than 125 % of both the length and width of the original, or equal to or less than 75 % of both the length and the width of the original.
    • In the case of two-sided reproductions, it is equal to or greater than 200 % of both the length and width of the original, or equal to or less than 50 % of both the length and width of the original.
    • Reproductions of individual design elements of a banknote provided that such a design element is not depicted on a background resembling a banknote.
  • In the case of one-sided reproductions of part of the front or reverse of a euro banknote, that part is smaller than one-third of the original front or reverse of the euro banknote.
  • They are made of a material clearly different from paper.
  • Intangible reproductions made available electronically on websites or similar elements, provided that:
    • The word SPECIMEN appears diagonally across the reproduction, in Arial or similar font, and in an opaque colour contrasting with the dominant colour of the respective euro banknote. In addition, the length of the word SPECIMEN shall be at least 75% of the length of the reproduction, and its height shall be at least 15% of the width of the reproduction.
    • The resolution of the electronic reproduction in its 100 % size does not exceed 72 dots per inch (dpi).
    • Reproductions of individual design elements of a banknote provided that such a design element is not depicted on a background resembling a banknote.


Reproduction of euro coins

  • To reproduce any euro coin, authorisation must be requested from the General Directorate of the Treasury and Financial Policy.
  • As a general rule, reproductions must conform to the provisions of Articles 9 and 10 of Law 10/1975 of 12 March 1975 on the Regulation of Coinage.
  • Any query or request related to the reproduction of metallic coins can be made through the following link: Contact | Public treasureOpen in a new window. The query or request must be detailed as much as possible and in the field "Department" select the option "General inquiry about metallic currency".

Reproduction of peseta banknotes and coins

In the case of peseta banknotes, reproductions shall be deemed lawful where they comply with the following criteria:

  • The size of the reproduction must be noticeably larger or smaller than the original. This criterion is considered to be fulfilled where the dimensions of the reproductions are more than double or less than half those corresponding to the original banknote or coin.
  • A single reproduction may depict the front (recto) or reverse (verso) of the bank note but never both.
  • In the case of coins, the physical reproduction many not be made from metal, alloys or any rigid or semi-rigid material.
  • The promotional material may not consist of the adherence of printed texts or images, in any format, on original banknotes or coins.

Target audienceMostra contingutTarget audience

Any financial institution, natural person or legal entity wishing to use reproductions of banknotes or coins.

In the case of pesetas, the authorisation of the General State Administration, Autonomous Community Administrations or Local Authorities shall not be required. Nor shall the authorisation of public-sector bodies with their own binding legal status or dependent bodies of any of the aforementioned Public Administrations be required.

How to start the processMostra contingutHow to start the process

In person:

Submission of a request for authorisation together with an explanatory report describing in detail the reproductions the applicant intends to produce, including the information detailed in the section “compulsory documentation”.

This request can be submitted at the Banco de España building in Madrid (Calle Alcalá 48) or at other branches.

Under the heading “Other useful information” you can find the details of all the branch offices of the Banco de España.

By post:

The request for authorisation, together with the explanatory report with the detailed information described in the section “Compulsory documentation” above, should be sent to the postal address provided under the “Contact us” section.


"Registro Electrónico" of the Banco de España, available under the heading "Processing".


  1. Access the Electronic Registry using one of the authentication systems admitted by the Banco de España.
  2. Select the option “Complete form” and then choose the applicable option.
  3. Complete the requested data and, where applicable, attach the necessary documentation.
  4. Once all the data is completed and the necessary documentation attached, click “Send”.
  5. The Electronic Registry displays a screen with the information on the status of the request. If the request is sent successfully, you can access the document “Acknowledgement of receipt”. You may save and/or print this document as a record of the submission.
  6. You can use the “See my submissions via the Electronic Registry” option at any time to check the status of submissions completed successfully.

For more information, please see the “Guía de requisitos e instrucciones de Registro Electrónico” available in the section “Other useful information”.

If you do not have an electronic certificate, you can send the documentation by email to the email address provided in the “Contact us” section. 

Compulsory documentationMostra contingutCompulsory documentation

  • Request for authorisation.
  • Explanatory report of the project using the images provided by the following information:
    • Purpose and scope of publication.
    • Technical features: format, colour, size (sketch), estimated print run, distribution method and dissemination of promotional campaign.
    • Any other information considered useful.

Decision-making bodyMostra contingutDecision-making body

Cash Department.

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