Catalogue of procedures

Request for exchange of damaged and defective coins

Procedure codeMostra contingutProcedure code


Process descriptionMostra contingutProcess description

Metallic coins are resistant due to the material used in their manufacture. However, their prolonged use or other circumstances can cause damage affecting their characteristics, and make them difficult to be identified. They are called damaged coins.

Metallic coins may also, exceptionally, have a manufacturing defect. In these cases, defective coins are considered legitimate but not suitable for circulation and they are exchanged at the branches of the Banco de España.

People or entities with damaged coins can present them at the branches of the Banco de España or, when applicable, at their credit institution for its recognition and exchange.

If the quantity and status of the coins allow their counting and recognition, the Banco de España will exchange them at the time of presentation. When this is not possible, the presenter of the coins must follow the procedure described as “Presentation of large quantities of damaged euro coins”, in the section “Also of interest…”, providing the information required in the form “Solicitud de admisión de moneda deteriorada para su canje”.

In case of presenting reasonable doubts about their authenticity, the damaged or defective coins will be subjected to a technical analysis. Once it is carried out, the result will be communicated to the owner of the coins and, if applicable, the corresponding amount will be paid.

As a general rule, the Banco de España will reimburse or substitute legitimate euro coins that are damaged and recognised as such by the machines used for this purpose.

However, the Banco de España may reject the reimbursement of euro coins not suitable for circulation that have been altered either deliberately or by a process that would be reasonably expected to have the effect of altering them.

In general, euro coins that have been subjected to processes such as those applied in waste incineration plants or metal recycling plants can be considered as deliberately altered coins and, therefore, may not be refundable.

Other cases in which the coins are considered as deliberately altered and therefore not refundable are those in which their deterioration has been caused by intentional mechanical damage or by an alteration for decorative, artistic or advertising purposes, among others.

In any case, the Banco de España will reject the reimbursement of the € 1 and € 2 coins that have the ring separated from the nucleus or that may appear to have been recomposed.

Target audienceMostra contingutTarget audience

Any natural person or legal entity holding damaged or defective coins.

How to start the processMostra contingutHow to start the process

It is necessary to make an appointmentOpen in a new window  to carry out this procedure.

Damaged and defective coins can be exchanged at the Banco de España building in Madrid (Calle Alcalá 48) and its branch offices.

In the section "Other useful information" you can find the details of all the branch offices of the Banco de España.

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