Financial institutions

Registration for courses for professional cash handlers

Procedure code


Process description

The Banco de España delivers online courses for professionals on the security features of euro banknotes and coins, the conditions of circulation and the procedures for selection in accordance with the regulations adopted by the Eurosystem on the authenticity and suitability of banknotes and coins.

In order to meet the specific needs of applicants, two different formats are offered.

  • On-site and videoconference courses for professionals
    The “Euro banknotes and coins course” is aimed at cash handling professionals from credit institutions, cash-in-transit companies, equipment manufacturers, casinos, currency exchange bureaux and other professionals who are required to comply with regulations on the recirculation of euro banknotes and coins. Also recommended for merchants who wish to familiarize themselves with the security features of banknotes and coins, and the procedure to follow if a banknote or coin is suspected to be counterfeit.

    These courses are held at the Banco de España headquarters in Madrid (C/ Alcalá, 522), as well as at the Banco de España branchesOpen in a new window located throughout the country and by videoconference.

    In the section “Other useful information” you can find the programme, dates and on-site or videoconference sessions for the course in the document “Curso presencial – videoconferencia de billetes y monedas en euros”.
  • Online courses for professionals
    The following online training courses are available:
    • Manual cash selection: designed for cash handling professionals who are required to comply with regulations on the recirculation of euro banknotes and coins. Its content includes the design and security features of euro banknotes and coins, recirculation rules and what to do if a banknote or coin is suspected of being counterfeit.
    • Know the Euro: aimed at merchants and other professionals who use cash, who wish to familiarize themselves with the security features of banknotes and coins, and know what to do if a banknote or coin is suspected to be counterfeit.
    • The euro: security features and legal protection: designed for other professionals who need to become familiar with the security features of euro banknotes and coins and the framework for the legal protection of the euro.
    • Cash in shop: aimed at merchants who wish to offer this mechanism as a way for customers to withdraw cash at their establishments. It provides information about the design and security features of euro banknotes and the recirculation rules necessary to offer this service.

All courses include a set of final questions. If more than half of the questions are answered correctly, participants may download a diploma of achievement.

In the section “Other useful information” you can find the specific programme of each course in the document “Cursos online sobre billetes y monedas”.

In these courses, users can self-manage their learning pace.

Target audience

Employees dealing with cash in financial institutions, cash in transit companies, machinery manufacturers, currency exchange outlets, public institutions, security forces and other professionals who handle cash.

How to start the process


  • On-site or videoconference:
    The application for on-site or videoconference courses should be completed by the company or entity in which those who wish to attend the course provide the service. To do so, you must download the form "Formulario de inscripción a cursos presenciales y videoconferencia", available in the "Processing" section and, once completed and validated, send it attached by email to the address provided by default.
    The Banco de España will acknowledge receipt by email and will respond to requests in strict order of arrival. Later, we will confirm the celebration of the course and will request the email addresses of the registered people, in order to set up the videoconference sessions.
  • Online:
    There are two possibilities for accessing the two online courses:
    1. Through the Banco de España platform. Request should be made by completing the form provided in the “Contact us” section.
    2. In the case of organisations interested in managing the training of their personnel internally, the Banco de España offers the possibility of integrating the content to be displayed within their own in-house platforms. A content transfer agreement must be signed first in this case. Request should be made by completing the form provided in the “Contact us” section.

Contact Us


  • Postal address:

    Banco de España
    Departamento de Efectivo
    C/ Alcalá, 48
    28014 Madrid

  • Inquiries

    Tel.91 338 6319 / 6438
    Contact form